Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Monday, 21 February 2011

My least favourite fruit

The dreaded pear.

We don't get on.
They're dry and bland and the texture of them in my mouth makes my tongue hate me. The only thing they're good for is ruining fruit trifles and salads, and they're basically just like reject apples. I have a seriously great distaste for these bad boys, but today I found out that I am one.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I have discovered that I am a pear.

Poor pear.
But yes! I have measured my waist-hip ratio and not only discovered that I have the exact same ratio as Marilyn Monroe (oh yeah.) but also that I'm a pear shape.
Though as good as that sounds, all it means is that I have a bit of an arse and a modest bust, but a pretty dashing waist.
I don't understand why we need labels for female body shapes, nevermind the amount of labels that we actually do have! I had to wade through an abundance of fruits before being able to read what health risks I carry by simply having weight spread around my hips. It's ridiculous!
You can be an apple, pear, carrot, column, spoon, banana, hourglass, bell, and my persnoal favourite, a butternut squash...?!!?!
Surely a woman's a woman, regardless of how well her body resembles a fruit?
Also, I'd rather be something that people don't eat.

I'll be on edge for the rest of my life now.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

The day I went deaf.

Okay, admittedly the title of this blog post may be slightly more of a metaphor than it seems to be. Partially because I'm not deaf, and haven't ever been deaf, and partially because it's not even really about me at all!

This blog post is about my poor 3 year old headphones, as the one named R has suffered a slight malfunction today and subsequently poor L is now an only child.
And it completely wasn't my fault at all! (Just to make that clear). All I did was sit down and possibly snag the wire a teeny tiny little bit. Then R started making silly hissing noises so I played with the wire a bit and then R stopped making any noise at all...

L was devastated and sank into a deep state of headphone-depression which meant he couldn't continue to full capacity and I had to put him into a retirement home for his own good.
My iPod however, boldly carried on and then ran out of battery without me realising.........

And if you don't feel sorry for my poor headphones because they're inanimate objects blahblahblah, instead, just imagine the situation on the train as this is all happening:

Very sad indeed!
(and check out the angry birds on my phone;D)

The consequence of all this is that I've had to adopt some new baby ones that'll hopefully arrive within 1-2 business days:)
Meet the new L-R team!


Monday, 7 February 2011

Clever Procrastination

I'm so easily distracted it's ridiculous.

Today we shall discuss why my way to procrastinate is by far the best way.

So, today I set myself targets of what I wanted to get done, and I thought about how good it wuold be to get it all done..... Then I thought how much I wanted to understand the anatomy of the brain...
Quite a heavy distraction.
So initially, I looked up posters and things, trying to find one that wasn't a horrible, gaudy colour and was unsuccessful, so I reasoned that perhaps I could draw a brain just as well and label it from a 'meta-analysis' of other anatomical drawings.
And this is the result of some mega procrastination:

I love that the camera didn't pick up the clever shading at all, but nevermind!
It's a brain!:D
And it's a rather lovely one too.

So, task achieved, I thought I should get back to work... BUT THEN! I had the idea of redrawing the brain as a colourful helper chart to help me with my degree...

And there you go.
A good hour of pencil-related crazy.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

31 days.

Today feels like a strange day.