Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Monday, 24 January 2011


I think this is my favourite picture in the whole world.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Twitter is challenging me to a battle

I can't post tweets anymore!
Everytime I have a particularly good thought, I go to put it on twitter and everytime I do, I get this silly message saying there's been an error and it can't post my tweet.
"try again in a few moments"
This situation calls for an old friend...

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Just a quick thank you!

Well.. Where to start?
To be honest, since I last wrote in this properly on the 23rd, it's been a little bit of a crazy ride. Within the space of a month, I've been the happiest and probably the saddest of my whole life.
It started off amazingly on Christmas day with my genuinely wonderful fiancĂ© ♥, and then shortly after New Years, some awful news, a difficult decision and a very long, heartbreaking evening have led me to become an awful lot more responsible than I'd like to be. I'm still not over it, and I don't think I will be for a while, but I think I've come out stronger so I'm optimistic that things will be okay.
But throughout the whole experience, I have learnt the value of a truly good person. I'm lucky enough to have some amazing people in my life, and I'm forever grateful for all the care that they've shown over these past few weeks.
Thank you guys:)

Brain scribble

Hello, sorry for not posting a silly blog for a while! There's been some crazy things going on...
Anyway, back to the really important news of the day... #fanfare
I have invented a concept!
I've been working on my essay all day, and then I got completely distracted and read a journal about dyslexia, which is NOT what my essay is about, at all. And I read a word wrong (ironically) and confused myself for a second, bu this inspired me! What if this momentary spasm of understanding had a name...? Well I gave it one:)
The 'brain scribble'... coming to a store near you.
Haha, no, basically, a brain scribble is a moment in time when you feel like some things have become a little bit jumbled in your head.
you could be revising and accidentally confuse one theory with another -> brain scribble
Or you could be trying to organise your day and not know what to prioritise -> brain scribble
Do you see what I'm saying?:D It's a brain SCRIBBLE.
I'll draw a diagram to help explain.
This is me on a normal day, casually exposing my brain to the world as I jog on by.

The only scribbles there are the natural scribbles of the folds and fissures (sulci and gyri) of the cerebral cortex;)
This is me on a rare moment where I briefly confuse things in my head:

See, a SCRIBBLE! This is as accurate as an MRI by the way.
And my facial expression has remained the same because I'm a good actor, not because I forgot to draw a confused face or anything...

So, that's what I've got for you today.
Join me next week when we'll be evaluating how far I've actually got with my essay...

Monday, 17 January 2011