Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Brain scribble

Hello, sorry for not posting a silly blog for a while! There's been some crazy things going on...
Anyway, back to the really important news of the day... #fanfare
I have invented a concept!
I've been working on my essay all day, and then I got completely distracted and read a journal about dyslexia, which is NOT what my essay is about, at all. And I read a word wrong (ironically) and confused myself for a second, bu this inspired me! What if this momentary spasm of understanding had a name...? Well I gave it one:)
The 'brain scribble'... coming to a store near you.
Haha, no, basically, a brain scribble is a moment in time when you feel like some things have become a little bit jumbled in your head.
you could be revising and accidentally confuse one theory with another -> brain scribble
Or you could be trying to organise your day and not know what to prioritise -> brain scribble
Do you see what I'm saying?:D It's a brain SCRIBBLE.
I'll draw a diagram to help explain.
This is me on a normal day, casually exposing my brain to the world as I jog on by.

The only scribbles there are the natural scribbles of the folds and fissures (sulci and gyri) of the cerebral cortex;)
This is me on a rare moment where I briefly confuse things in my head:

See, a SCRIBBLE! This is as accurate as an MRI by the way.
And my facial expression has remained the same because I'm a good actor, not because I forgot to draw a confused face or anything...

So, that's what I've got for you today.
Join me next week when we'll be evaluating how far I've actually got with my essay...

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