Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Monday, 4 October 2010


This is one of my all time pet peeves.
When typing in a password on the internet, it very cleverly disguises my typing as big black circles so that spyware and real spies can't steal my information. Clever indeed.
EXCEPT that I can't see what I'm bloody typing. I have to delete my password about 5 times in a paranoid fashion to try to make sure I've spelt it right.

"A-..wait. Did I actually press the 'a' button then? Lemme check... oh wait. *DELETE*"

Also, I'm incredibly skilled at making typos, and as I am unable to check my typing by reading my input, I have to make the backspace button my new favourite friend.

However, the backspace will one day find out that I'm using him for my own selfish needs and then he'll probably release crumbs into my harddrive or something.

Anyway, I'm like the typo QUEEN.
For example, I'm really good at getting two letters the wrong way round, like "typnig". If my password was in fact, "typnig", then cool beans, but if it's actually "typing", then I'm screwed. You only usually get about 3 attempts at guessing your password before the system blocks you out because it believes you're a regular little 'baddie', so it's imperative that you get it right, really.

And then you have to slow your typing right down in order to ensure you have pressed the right letter on your keyboard. But then, this slow movement allows other people near you to spell out your password, so it's a risky move.
Also, even if you could type super fast and super accurately, very cleverly defeating the little black circle system, what if someone installed some kind of camera onto your keyboard?!

Also, it's supposed to be a "code", right? It's coded so no one who's unauthorised can access it. It's undoubtedly the worst code ever made. It looks like "make-your-own-secret-code" homework written by someone who left it a little bit too close to the deadline.

Brilliant work there, 'Alan'.

I'm grateful that no one can access my information, but for GOD'S SAKE, can someone please at least create a more entertaining code?

Make it so.

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