Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


I'm feeling much better about the snow today:)
It hasn't actually snowed all day, but it's still crunchy and deep so it's been fun.
I did have to ski to the Co-Op though, because apparently pavements don't need to be gritted in any way... But it was an exciting trip nonetheless!
I also managed to rip my finger wound open and I bled on a little bit of the snow in the garden (oops). But it could've been worse....

ANYWAY, I went out and took a few photos when the sun was in a nice place:)

Hope everyone's keeping warm!

Monday, 29 November 2010

I'm so glad the weather decided to bring an early winter.


Seriously unimpressed by the sudden onset of incredible amounts of snow in York.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not as bad as Scotland, but the snow in our garden is easily knee deep, which is RIDICULOUS.

I will take some more superduper photographs tomorrow and dedicate an entire blogpost to my inadequacy with a camera... But you'll get the jist.

Anyway, it is my firm belief that snow ruins everything.
If I was still young enough to appreciate a snow day, then woop, but sadly, I am now a year or so too old, and I've become a big, fat grump about the whole ordeal (as you would). I agree that snow looks pretty, and it's nice that we get the odd snow shower now and then in the winter time, but I don't like it to snow enough to delay/cancel trains! It makes getting places even more effort than usual and it's so cold that I'm dangerously close to developing some kind of permanent goose-pimple-type disease.
Also, my new favourite phrase revolves around the word "heating", and I miss the warm, summer sun (I may write him a love letter to seduce him back to us).

I've checked the weather forecast and apparently it'll be snowing 'till at least Thursday, which is rubbish, but I may just have to give up fighting this silly snowy era by braving the frigid conditions outside to build a positively EPIC snowman.

I will consider snowman requests.

Monday, 15 November 2010


Today it's the 15th November... And you know what that means, don't you?

It's officially 40 days 'till the wonder that is Christmas, and therefore 39 days until most of you start your Christmas shopping... But not me!
Because today marks the day that I officially finished my present-buying escapade. I'm feeling very, very productive right now. I can also confidently claim that everyone will love what I've bought them.

However, that's not the point of this blog post! This blog post is about an old man.
More specifically, a WW2 Veteran who can be found on this lovely blog;

Because these beautiful photographs inspired me to do a drawing of him! (yaay)
Now sadly, I am without a scanner, so you'll have to make do with a crappy webcam photo 'till I can get back to my gravity printer and scan it properly, but rest assured! It is truly beautiful, even if the wecam pic doesn't do it justice:)

Cute old man!:D
Wrinkles are so much fun to draw. Anyone out there with a ridiculously smooth face: don't expect me to draw you:P

Also, quote of the day comes from my Dad, who when I showed him the drawing without any explanation other than "oh, I did a drawing", he literally said;

"He looks like a WW2 veteran or something"

(win for mi padre)

I'll do some real work at some point, promise.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Enjoying the little things

I woke up at half past 9 this morning after getting to sleep at about half past 4.
Why? I don't know.

But that's not the point of the story! The point is that despite waking up at half past 9, I stayed in bed until 1 like a big lazy bum simply because I knew that I had devoted the rest of my Sunday to writing an essay.
No one wants to write an essay.
What can I say, I'm an avid procrastinator, and I'm proud of my ability to do it so well, hha.

ANYWAY, after managing to procrastinate so well throughout the morning and spending the afternoon continuing to do no work at all, I accidentally stumbled across an article about colour blindness. I read a bit about it and was OUTRAGED at the claims it made regarding how humans are devolving because we don't really need colour to survive anymore, (I mean what the fliiip?)... And I inadvertently tricked myself into writing my essay about colour vision.

It was both mad and brilliant at the same time. I even print screened it.

But I blurred out the words so that you can't steal it, beeches;) 1546 words of pure genius.

Anyway, what this blog post is actually about it something that is even greater than finishing my essay.
"What could be greater than writing a brilliant essay, Sam?"
, I hear you ask.
Well, let me show you.

(prepare to be amazed.)

LOOK! It's got a little tick next to it:D
It's so cute.
This has made my actual day.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Today my body decided to be a dalek.

I know that by now anyone who reads my blog will have a bizarre impression of me surrounding the ridiculous notion that I have a tendancy to overexaggerate, but let me reiterate how wrong you are with this latest blog post, lovelies.

I woke up this morning and I was a frickin' DALEK.
I shit you not. An actual dalek.
(N.b. anyone who does not know what a dalek is,
please leave my blog right now.)
Apparently my body takes to being ill in a rather unusual way.

Now, obviously I don't mean I'd literally turned into some kind of seriously evil cyborg creation from Skaro with a "Davros
©" on my arse. What I actually mean is that I had woken up feeling quite poorly and unable to form speech sounds without sounding like I was using a vocoder.

Welcome to my vividly nasally world.

I mean I've heard that husky voices are sexy, right? So this could've been my one chance to seriously impress my boyfriend with my seductive ways, but I looked like this;

There was a definite flaw in my 'sexy' plan.

Okay, so what did I do when I found out that I'd been transformed into a hideous beast who had no olfactory abilities? I did what anyone would do and slept through my 9.15 lecture. C'mon, it's justified. Sadly it's the first one I've missed all year and I almost feel bad about it. But then I bravely managed to drag myself out of my warm haven in my duvet and got my pitiful arse to my tutorial (which is not optional) wherein which I contributed absolutely nothing. I may as well have not been there (what I'm not telling you is though that I never contribute in tutorials anyway if I can help it).

Then! I even more bravely ventured into town. However, this level of 'brave' began to coincide with 'stupid' as my chest began to hurt and I felt dizzy with the effort of walking 10 minutes to the bus stop. Nevermind though because I was a woman... on a mission (whoa-oa-oa).

I'm far too happy nowadays, little bloggers:) Even when I'm bedridden and cold and poorly, I'm still smiling!

But that's for another day..

Back to my terribly effortful trip into town- I got the bus back and got glared at by an elderly lady when I coughed. I was all "Soz man, I can't help coffin' yeh?" but I actually just frowned guiltily and looked away. Silly elderly lady making me feel bad because she's healthier than me.

Then I finally made it home and got very well looked after by two of my housemates!
Emma left me a chocolate bar, box of tissues and a bottle of pepsi on my bed and Lois brought me a hot wheat bag and a cup of honey tea. Literally feeling very well cared for.
I hope that when I'm old and need looking after, I have people like Lois and Emma around who will love me even when I'm disgusting:D


Wednesday, 3 November 2010


I actually hate the amount of faff we've had trying to sort out our flippin' connectivity. It's been about 5 weeks snice we placed our order. HOW is it possible for it to take that long to allow us access to the internet?!

Anyway, I'll have to think about what's happened since I last posted now....

1) I joined a gym, and I love it, despite how much it exaggerates my tiny stature with their clever use of GIANT machines. Also, I have noticed that everyone at the gym is either thin or buff. This doesn't make any sense to me. Surely at least new members would be a bit chub? It makes me feel like I'm a digusting, wobbly monster.

I don't even have legs at this gym. It's a mind-trip, man.
Also, note the clever use of fake-tan on the 'hot girl' to denote a feeling of stereotypicality.

2) I got one of my drawings published in the Uni newspaper! How, you ask? Well!..
I've no idea. I emailed them saying I'd happily have a go, and within the next few days I was given a 2 hour deadline to do them a drawing. Insane or what?The more I look at the poor little piggy bank's face, the more I feel guilty for being the one responsible for making him look so scared. CHECK OUT MY SIGNATURE THOUGH! I'm practically famous.

3) I baked a steak and ale pie (with the help of my lovely Matthew), and it was literally incredible. We baked a pie big enough for 4 people and shared it between us for one meal. #fat.
I'd draw a picture of it, but I'll just dribble all over the keyboard. IT'S SAFER THIS WAY!

4) ......................:)