Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Today my body decided to be a dalek.

I know that by now anyone who reads my blog will have a bizarre impression of me surrounding the ridiculous notion that I have a tendancy to overexaggerate, but let me reiterate how wrong you are with this latest blog post, lovelies.

I woke up this morning and I was a frickin' DALEK.
I shit you not. An actual dalek.
(N.b. anyone who does not know what a dalek is,
please leave my blog right now.)
Apparently my body takes to being ill in a rather unusual way.

Now, obviously I don't mean I'd literally turned into some kind of seriously evil cyborg creation from Skaro with a "Davros
©" on my arse. What I actually mean is that I had woken up feeling quite poorly and unable to form speech sounds without sounding like I was using a vocoder.

Welcome to my vividly nasally world.

I mean I've heard that husky voices are sexy, right? So this could've been my one chance to seriously impress my boyfriend with my seductive ways, but I looked like this;

There was a definite flaw in my 'sexy' plan.

Okay, so what did I do when I found out that I'd been transformed into a hideous beast who had no olfactory abilities? I did what anyone would do and slept through my 9.15 lecture. C'mon, it's justified. Sadly it's the first one I've missed all year and I almost feel bad about it. But then I bravely managed to drag myself out of my warm haven in my duvet and got my pitiful arse to my tutorial (which is not optional) wherein which I contributed absolutely nothing. I may as well have not been there (what I'm not telling you is though that I never contribute in tutorials anyway if I can help it).

Then! I even more bravely ventured into town. However, this level of 'brave' began to coincide with 'stupid' as my chest began to hurt and I felt dizzy with the effort of walking 10 minutes to the bus stop. Nevermind though because I was a woman... on a mission (whoa-oa-oa).

I'm far too happy nowadays, little bloggers:) Even when I'm bedridden and cold and poorly, I'm still smiling!

But that's for another day..

Back to my terribly effortful trip into town- I got the bus back and got glared at by an elderly lady when I coughed. I was all "Soz man, I can't help coffin' yeh?" but I actually just frowned guiltily and looked away. Silly elderly lady making me feel bad because she's healthier than me.

Then I finally made it home and got very well looked after by two of my housemates!
Emma left me a chocolate bar, box of tissues and a bottle of pepsi on my bed and Lois brought me a hot wheat bag and a cup of honey tea. Literally feeling very well cared for.
I hope that when I'm old and need looking after, I have people like Lois and Emma around who will love me even when I'm disgusting:D


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