Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Enjoying the little things

I woke up at half past 9 this morning after getting to sleep at about half past 4.
Why? I don't know.

But that's not the point of the story! The point is that despite waking up at half past 9, I stayed in bed until 1 like a big lazy bum simply because I knew that I had devoted the rest of my Sunday to writing an essay.
No one wants to write an essay.
What can I say, I'm an avid procrastinator, and I'm proud of my ability to do it so well, hha.

ANYWAY, after managing to procrastinate so well throughout the morning and spending the afternoon continuing to do no work at all, I accidentally stumbled across an article about colour blindness. I read a bit about it and was OUTRAGED at the claims it made regarding how humans are devolving because we don't really need colour to survive anymore, (I mean what the fliiip?)... And I inadvertently tricked myself into writing my essay about colour vision.

It was both mad and brilliant at the same time. I even print screened it.

But I blurred out the words so that you can't steal it, beeches;) 1546 words of pure genius.

Anyway, what this blog post is actually about it something that is even greater than finishing my essay.
"What could be greater than writing a brilliant essay, Sam?"
, I hear you ask.
Well, let me show you.

(prepare to be amazed.)

LOOK! It's got a little tick next to it:D
It's so cute.
This has made my actual day.