Basically, this blog is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and generally below average doodles of events. Enjoy.

Monday, 29 November 2010

I'm so glad the weather decided to bring an early winter.


Seriously unimpressed by the sudden onset of incredible amounts of snow in York.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not as bad as Scotland, but the snow in our garden is easily knee deep, which is RIDICULOUS.

I will take some more superduper photographs tomorrow and dedicate an entire blogpost to my inadequacy with a camera... But you'll get the jist.

Anyway, it is my firm belief that snow ruins everything.
If I was still young enough to appreciate a snow day, then woop, but sadly, I am now a year or so too old, and I've become a big, fat grump about the whole ordeal (as you would). I agree that snow looks pretty, and it's nice that we get the odd snow shower now and then in the winter time, but I don't like it to snow enough to delay/cancel trains! It makes getting places even more effort than usual and it's so cold that I'm dangerously close to developing some kind of permanent goose-pimple-type disease.
Also, my new favourite phrase revolves around the word "heating", and I miss the warm, summer sun (I may write him a love letter to seduce him back to us).

I've checked the weather forecast and apparently it'll be snowing 'till at least Thursday, which is rubbish, but I may just have to give up fighting this silly snowy era by braving the frigid conditions outside to build a positively EPIC snowman.

I will consider snowman requests.

1 comment:

  1. You think you've got it bad! My Birthday plans are in serious danger today because of the snow :P. But seriously, I agree.
    In Scotland, we had about eight inches and I only had converse :( My Feet are STILL FROZEN!
