Truly, genuinely, 100% obsessed.
And if that wasn't bad enough, it's bit even an original obsession - it's a repeat of a previous childhood one!
Basically, there's this silly little purple dragon and his trusty golden dragonfly...

(If you don't kow what that is, you need a punch in the face)
He's called Spyro (the dragonfly is Sparx), and I've fallen madly in love with his tiny, pixelated wings.
He collects beautiful treasures from lots of different worlds because the baddie, Gnasty Gnorc, has turned lots of the gems into stupid bad guys called Gnorcs, and he turned all the dragons into crystal :o!
The mission is simple;
Retrieve all 12000 gems.
Save all 80 dragons.
(Try to save the dragon eggs from the theives along the way).
It's literally the best game ever.
Now, before you go judging me, you bunch of bullies, you have to admit that everyone has loved him at some stage... it's just a bit bad that I'm re-living my feelings for him now at the embarrassing age of 19.
It's completely justified anyway because exams are over (woo!) and I never actually completed it 100% as a kid so it feels like unfinished business, y'see.
It all started when I found the
original game for playstation 1 a few days ago...
I've been playing it ever since.
I'm now 95% complete, with only 2 levels to go.
I'm feeling fairly crazy.

C'mon guys.
There's no better way to spend the day than in the control of a pre-pubescent dragon with an attitude problem and a terribly small wingspan.
I aim to have it completed by Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas;
How strange is it that it's now only 5 days away!?
Christmas seems to have come round so quickly this year! (Not that I'm complaining- I'm pretty sure Christmas this year is going to be the best day ever). I'm so glad I've already done all my Christmas shopping, because with the snow and the general speed of the advancing holiday, I'm fairly certain I'd be very stressed by it all if I still had some to buy.
Ah, I'm so excited!
Within the next week I will have:
*completed Spyro
*given everyone their gifts
*become the official luckiest girl alive
*gained an entire stone from Christmas lunch
Excited. :)